W I S H E S !
This is a busy week for good wishes! How do you send your good wishes to friends and family? Post on social media, mail a card, make a phone call, stop by in person? Something else?
I have a few wishes for today…
H A P P Y B I R T H D A Y B R I D G E T !
Sending love and happy wishes your way – Here’s to a year full of dreams coming true, of good times with friends as well as health, wealth and happiness! YOU are my favorite sister! hehe
H A P P Y 6 0 t h A N N I V E R S A R Y MOM AND DAD!
You two are an inspiration! Live well, be happy, enjoy life – right? Do unto others as you would want them to do unto you. Help others, be nice (or be quiet, ha ha) – you are quite the pair. Love you so much! Here’s to another 60 years!
Catch you back here tomorrow!